Wednesday, 19 March 2014


Date: 11/2/14


Project research is one of part that should to do in develop a project. It became an important thing to get a good project. In this FYP 2, the research that will be made will be separated by two parts i.e. for hardware part and software part. For the hardware part, the research that will be made is about the components that used in the project, the functions of each component, wiring diagram and the test procedures that should be made for each component together with the expected results from the test procedure while for the software part, the research that will be made is specific on the program codes in term of how to program, how to test each part of program code and the method to burn the program codes in the integrated circuit (IC). This project research will be made until the expected result for this project meets.

  • To investigate and learn parts of hardware and software related with the project.
  • To list and show both of part (hardware and software) that used in the project.
  • To explain all the information that obtained from the research.
  • To ensure the project prototype meets.
Problem Encountered

Both of parts (hardware and software) have a problem. For the hardware part, the problem is about to find the energy meter and current sensor. It is because to get both of this component, it need to ordered and will take about 1 week above for a shipment process. For the software part, the problem is in term of to programs according to the expected results in this project and it is become a major problem in this project. Thus, several initiative will be taken for the purposes to solve this problems i.e. find other shop that may give shortest time for the shipment process and do more research on the programming part.

Project Description 

First of all, each components that needed in this project is examined in terms of their specifications for the purposes to validate the project prototype meets before making any purchasing. After that, the components that has been examined and verified suitable to used is recorded in a shortlist together with the image and specification of the component. Below is the results that has obtained from this activity:-

Hardware parts

Figure 1: List of Hardware

The specifications for each part of hardware
  1. Arduino Mega 2560
  2. Current Sensor 
  3. Single Phase Energy Meter 
  4. BTBee Explorer Regulated 
  5. IO Expansion Shield
  6. Plug Top 
  7. Light Bulb 
  8. RF Module
  9. 1 - Way Switch 
  10. Bluetooth Module 
  11. MCB 32A 1Pole 6kA 
  12. 16X2 Character LCD Module 
  13. Bulb Holder 
  14. 4 - Ways Plastic Distribution Box 
  15. PVC Junction Box 
Software parts

Figure 2: List of Software

The Arduino IDE environment
  1. Language Reference
  2. Examples
Other parts

Figure 3: List of other parts

The specifications for other parts
  1. USB 2.0 AM/BM
  2. 1 Pin Dupont Connector Housing
  3. 3 Pin Dupont Connector Housing
  4. Male Crimp Pin
  5. Female Crimp Pin
  6. Wire
  7. Soldering Tool Kit
  8. Hand Tools
  9. Plywood - 36"H x 18"W x 0.35"D
  10. Aerosol Paint - Black
  11. 7mm Cable Clips
Project Outcome 

All the components that needed in this project has been investigated and recorded. The results that obtained from this activity will be used for the purpose of purchasing and booking. On the other hand, some of the component also has been changed with the other component and the changes that has been made is such as below:-
  1. Arduino Uno Rev3 ---- Arduino Mega 2560
  2. GSM Module ---- Bluetooth Module 
  3. Current Transformer ---- Octopus Non-invasive AC current sensor (TA12-100) Brick 
This components is changed because (1) Arduino Mega 2560 have more I/O port compared with the Arduino Uno Rev3 (compare board specs), (2) in term of price, Bluetooth module is cheaper than GSM module and, (3) in term of current measurement, Octopus Non-invasive AC current sensor (TA12-100) Brick is more compatible and accurate compared with the current transformer. Thus, this is the best solution to ensure project prototype meets. The others information in term of wiring diagram, test procedures (hardware and software) and all thing about the program codes will be discussed after the tasks for redesign a block diagram and flowchart is completed made on the next week.  

Friday, 14 March 2014


Date: 5/2/14

Title of activity
  1. Short discussion with project supervisor.
  2. Project scheduling.
  • To update any related matter that has been made for FYP 2 to the project supervisor.
  • To manage weekly activities that will be made systematically.
  • To ensure all task that should be made completed on time.

The main objective of this discussion is to update any progress that has been made for FYP 2 to the project supervisor. Simply, the content in this discussion is about the FYP 2 assessment that should be made in term of the due date for submission, report formats, report contents and etc. On the other hand, in order to fulfill subject requirement according to the date line that given, a gantt chart will be created to make it as a guidelines and to ensure all task completed on time.


The outcome from this activity is such as the Figure 1 below:-

Figure 1: Gantt Chart for FYP 2


All the information that should be taken for the FYP 2 assessment has been recorded and highlighted. All tasks that related with the FYP 2 will be referred on that gantt chart until at the end of the date line for FYP 2. For the next progress report, the topic that will discussed is specific about the project research that made for FYP 2.