Sunday, 15 December 2013


Date: 9/12/13


The last thing that should be do in the FYP 1 assessment is to compile all the related documents before submitted to the project supervisor. However, each part of the project proposal that was commented by project supervisor should be do a correction before submitted according to the criteria that needed. In this, all the contents/tasks/works will be checked including a progress report in details.

  • To check, combine and compile (3C's) for all related works with FYP 1
  • To create a checklist for FYP 1 assessment
Problem Encountered

During do this activity, it does not give any problem because the work that should be make is only to create a checklist for FYP 1 assessment and give the status for each work that has been carried out.

Project Description

First of all, a checklist will be created according to the all FYP 1 assessment which focused on the contents of progress report and project proposal. The entire criteria of assessment will be highlighted and written by  labeling onto a checklist. Each tasks that has been carried out will be give current status (i.e. done or almost done). Below is the checklist for FYP 1 assessment that has been prepared.

Figure 1: Checklist for project proposal

Figure 2: Checklist for progress report

Project Outcome

All the assessment for FYP 1 completed perfectly and will be submitted to the project supervisor at the end of this week.   

Friday, 13 December 2013


Date: 2/12/13


This week is the last week in writing a project proposal. Student should be ensure all the task for the project proposal is completed and submitted during the due date that given. All the activities that has been made in this week will be discussed in this post.

  • To finalize all the related matter with the project proposal
  • To show and submit first draft of the project proposal to the project supervisor
Problem Encountered

The problem that encountered during do this task is in terms of to state the specification for each part of materials that will be used in the project. It is because an extra research need to do for the purposes to ensure all the materials including their specifications is valid and available in Malaysia before written in the project proposal. For the other tasks, it does not give any problem. As a solution, to avoid this problem occur, all the visited webpage will be ensured from a local company and the technical specification for each part of material that they provide is applicable to used.

Project Description 
  1. Do some research to obtain the technical specification for each part of materials that will be used in the entire of the proposed project.
  2. Finalize and compile all the technical specification that gathered.
  3. Record and write in the project proposal under material and methodology.
  4. Finishing all the desired task.
Project Outcome

As the outcome for this week, all the desired task and objective is achieved which means the first draft of the project proposal is completed and will be printed out for the purpose to show this entire draft to the project supervisor. Any comments from the project supervisor related with this draft is an important thing to do correction before binding and submitted. This method is very useful in term of to grab the desired/highest grade in the marking scheme.        

Thursday, 12 December 2013


Date: 25/11/13


A project proposal assessment shall be carried out on individual basis for the purpose to fulfill the requirement of FYP 1 assessment. The project proposal shall be assessed by the appointed assessors. Student shall submit complete project proposal which shall include all the recommended amendment by panel of assessors within the time period specified by campus which is on week 13. This week, the project proposal will be made until on the due date that has given.

  • To understand the assessment criteria that needed in the proposal report assessment
  • To writing the project proposal according to the assessment criteria that provided
Problem Encountered

Several factor need to be considered in writing the proposal report. It is for the purpose to achieve the highest grade in the marking scheme and also to ensure all the content is well structured, clear and being written in the recommended format and of appropriate length. In this, it will not give any problem if the proposal report is written according to the assessment criteria that given and submitted on time.

Project Description 

The proposal report will be written according to the proposal report assessment that given. Each part in terms of the title, sub title and etc will be written in the recommended format and of appropriate length. Below is the proposal report assessment that will be make as a guidelines in implementing this proposal report.
Figure 1: Proposal report assessment (Page 1)

Figure 2: Proposal report assessment (Page 2)

Figure 3: Proposal report assessment (Page 3)

Figure 4: Proposal report assessment (Page 4)

All works related with the proposal report will be referred from this documents.

Project Outcome

All works done smoothly. The proposal report is already done 45% from the entire reports and will be continued on the next week together with the progress report.



Monday, 9 December 2013


Date: 18/11/13


This week is where a proposal presentation will be held. All the requirements that needed on this week has been prepared before. Student shall present their complete project outcome as scheduled by Campus which is at the end of this week. Failure to attend the presentation will cause student to receive the failure grade (F). The proposal presentation will be held at Gemilang Hall and start from 2.00 p.m till 5.00 p.m. Students will be assessed by two persons of invited assessor from related department with the project title.

  • To finalize a preparation that should will be made for presentation day
  • To ensure all the assessment criteria is achieved perfectly
  • To makes some preparation for Q&A session
Problem Encountered

All the requirement that needed in implementing a PowerPoint presentation has been made and meets all the required assessment criteria which means the first and second of the objective is achieved perfectly. However, a bit of problem occurs in makes some preparation for Q&A session. It is in terms of student did not know what questions that would be asked by supervisors in that session. As a solution, the proposal presentation assessment that prepared by FYP committee will be made as a guideline in preparation for Q&A session.

Project Description 

The entire criteria that needed in presentation day will be fulfilled by referring the proposal presentation assessment that given by FYP committee. Below is a copy of the documents that given:-

Figure 1: Guidelines for presentation day

Figure 2: Guidelines for presentation day (continued)

Figure 3: Guidelines for presentation day (continued)

All the preparation for presentation day will be referred from this documents.

Project Outcome 

Referring from the official website of UniKLBMI-FYP, under list of deg sem 1 assessors, it shows that for this project it will be assessed by (1) Sir. Abd Razak B. Ahmad and (2) Miss. Najiyah Salleh. As a conclusions, everything has been prepared and achieve all required assessment criteria. Hopefully, everything is smoothly during that presentation day.

Sunday, 8 December 2013


Date: 11/11/13


Proposal presentation is one of the assessment in FYP 1 that will be made at the end of semester 6. The assessment is based on individually basis. It will be assessed by Project Supervisor and Invited Assessor. The overall mark obtained by students is the average mark given by Supervisor and second Assessor. This week, a preparation for presentation day will be made and discussed clearly.

  • To make some preparations before presentation day
  • To making a PowerPoint presentation according to the assessment criteria that given
Problem Encountered

From the activity on this week, it does not have much problem because the contents that should be put into a slide is from the assignments that has been made along this semester. The things that need to be made only extract all gathered information briefly, concise and easy to understand.

Project Description

All gathered information will be extracted in a simple way to understand according to the assessment criteria that needed. Each slide also will be decorated to look more attractive because sometimes people will bored when too much of word inserted in the slide. As a solution, several information will be described by using a SmartArt graphic to visually communicate information. A background picture also will be used and inserted on each slides.

Project Outcome

The figure below is a slide that has been made for presentation day.

Figure 1: PowerPoint presentation that will be used on presentation day
Figure 2: PowerPoint presentation (continued)
Figure 3: PowerPoint presentation (continued)

All the completed slides will be shown to the project supervisors before presentation day. As a conclusions, all tasks for this week completed perfectly and a PowerPoint presentation that has been made has been approved by project supervisor. For the next progress report, the things that made before/during/after presentation day will be briefly discussed.


Date: 8/11/13


In writing a project proposal, a illustration of the proposed project also should be shown and briefly explained for the purposes to illustrate overall project that will be designed clearly. This week, all related matters about the design of proposed project that will be developed in FYP 2 will be discussed and shown clearly.

  • To illustrate overall design of the proposed project
  • To explain and label each main part of the project design
Problem Encountered

The problems encountered in illustrate overall design of the proposed project is in terms of to choose a suitable software because many software that may used to create a project design but the question is how to use that software? Sometimes a good software is quite difficult to use which need extra time to explore that software. As a solution, Microsoft Office PowerPoint will be used to create the entire design of proposed project.

Project Description 
  1. Launch Microsoft Office PowerPoint
  2. Insert shapes into slide according to the criteria of the project design and all shapes that created need to be colored with a different colors to look nice
  3. Insert text box at each part of shape and label with a suitable name
  4. Save a copy of the complete drawing and snip the entire drawing by using Snipping Tool
  5. Save as a reference drawing before upload in a blog
The results from this project description will be shown in the project outcome.

Project Outcome

Below is the results that obtained from this activity:-

Figure 1: Overall design of the proposed project

The figure that shown above is the overall design that will be developed in FYP 2. For more information, please refer Project Description on WEEK 3.     

Saturday, 7 December 2013


Date: 4/11/13


The budget process is a collecting all costs associated with finishing a project. In the other terms, it is aggregating the estimated costs of individual activities or work projects (establishing) an authorized cost baseline which helps ensure it is completed for the cost expected. This week, overall cost of the project that has been estimated will be listed and discussed in details.

  • To estimate overall cost of the project
  • To list cost of the entire material that will be used in this proposed project
Problem Encountered

In budgeting a project cost, the difficulties is in term of to find the best and a cheapest products. It is because usually the best products will be sold at a high price. Several initiative will be taken for the purposes to solve this problem i.e. survey a few stores that sell the cheapest product before buying that product.

Project Description

In terms to find the best and a cheapest products, a few store that sell required materials in this project will be reviewed and listed. The method that used is by searching all related stores in various website and the another methods is by refer a persons that familiar in that matter (i.e. friends, lecturers).

Project Outcome

The result that obtained from this task is such as a table that shown below:-

Table 1: Estimation on the overall cost of the project
Table 2: Total cost

Overall cost to develop this project is about RM 534.40. It is quite expensive. However, this is the best and the lowest price that obtained from the survey. In the next progress report, a illustration of overall proposed project will be shown and discussed.