Tuesday, 22 October 2013


Date: 30/9/13


Project research (Final) is the last method that used in this project for finishing good. It consists of the combination with all the problem encountered and the information that obtained from the research with the best solution for the purpose to create the block diagram that will be used in this project. Block diagram is a diagram of a system in which the principal parts or functions are represented by blocks connected by lines that show the relationships of the blocks. At the end of this section, a complete block diagram will be shown.

  • To compress all the information that obtained from research to make it as best solution for the good project.
  • To design the block diagram that exactly with the required specifications for this project.
Problem Encountered

From this activity, it is not have much problem because the information that used to make as best solution is from the previous gathered data and it will not give any problem to develop block diagram.

Project Description

The information's that gathered from previous research is compressed to achieving the main objective of project which is a simple and effective way to detect an electrical power theft without any human interface. The details about it is as in the project description on the previous weekly report (WEEK 3).

Project Outcome 

Block diagram is created based on the solution that performed and the block diagram is such as below:-

Figure 1: Block Diagram

The concept that will be used in Electricity Theft Detection Metering System is such as block diagram above. Others progress will be continued on next week.

Monday, 21 October 2013


Date: 24/9/13


Nowadays, various technologies growing rapidly and not exception for the technologies that used in the energy meter where it is always upgraded over time. However, the trick/method that used to stealing the electricity is also upgraded together with the newest technology that used in the energy meter. Knowing the trick that usually used to stealing the electricity is the important part to known to provide a simple and effective way to detect an electrical power theft. This week, several methods of the electricity stealing trick will be discussed together with the principle that will be used in the Electricity Theft Detection Metering System.

  • To gathering the information of electricity stealing trick in real time.
  • To provide a simple and effective way to detect an electrical power theft without any human interface.
Problem Encountered

From the researching that were performed, four common methods that usually used was found and it is as listed below:-
  1. Stealing electricity by under voltage technology.
  2. Stealing electricity by undercurrent technology.
  3. Stealing electricity by phase-shifted technology.
  4. Stealing electricity by difference expansion (DE) technology.
Below is the illustrations of the tampering methods of energy meter:-

For more information about this, please click here.

However, this problem actually has been solved by upgraded the energy meter such as that has been discussed in the previous section but some of the new problem come out from that solution which is one of that problem is it will give health risks and proliferation of electromagnetic fields posed by RF-EMR.

Project Description

One of the solution which is by using existing energy meter called Electronic Energy Meter (EEM) but the concept to distribute electricity from the distribution pole to the consumer energy meter will be modified by adding another one energy meter on the pole side. It consists of Wireless data receiver, Micro-controller and GSM module to allow both energy meter communicate each other for the purpose to compare the amount of energy at sending and receiving part is similar or not. When the meter is tampered, the value at sending and receiving part will become different and not synchronize. At the certain point, Micro-controller will give the signal to the GSM module and it will directly to the utility company personnel. The system also will cut-off the supply that through along to the problem line and restart with the stored value. The figure below show the conceptual diagram.

Figure: Conceptual diagram

Project Outcome

As the project outcomes, the principal of Electricity Theft Detection Metering System will be developed/designed as the conceptual diagram above. From this concept hopefully it can solve the problem that occurs especially in term of health risks and the major problem in the electricity arena.

Saturday, 5 October 2013


Date: 16/9/13


Project research is the important part to dig out the information about the project that has been existing in the market. From research, some of the newest technology or encountered problem that has solved can be founded easily and also may give new ideas to build up other project from the problem analysis that will be performed. Time period to do this research is about 2 weeks.

  • To gathering the information that needed in this project.
  • To solve encountered problems in the existing project.
  • To develop new project/idea from the problem encountered.
Problem Encountered

From the research that has been performed along this week, many methods that was founded related with this project. Some of the method that has be used which are by upgrading the Electromechanical Energy Meter to the Electronic Energy Meter and the latest one is the Smart Meters. However, it also have several problems especially the Smart Meters. Below is the lists of the problem encountered from the Smart Meters that obtained from several websites:-
  1. Health risks posed by Radio Frequency (RF) - Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR).
  2. Proliferation of the electromagnetic fields.
Effect from the problem listed to human:-
  • Affect gene and protein expression (Transcriptomic and Proteomic Research)
  • Have genotoxic effects -- DNA damage 
  • Induce stress response (Stress Proteins)
  • Affect immune function
  • Affect Neurology and behavior
  • Cause childhood cancers (Leukemia) 
  • Impact melatonin production; Alzheimer’s Disease; Breast Cancer 
  • Promote breast cancer (Melatonin links in laboratory and cell studies) 
Figure 1: Several energy meter that existing in the market 

Project Description

Referring from the information and problems encountered that obtained, an additional equipment will be developed and added to the energy meter that called Electricity Theft Detection Metering System to solve some of the problems that occurs. However, this equipment only suitable to used and focused to the Electronic Energy Meter (EEM) for the purpose to reduce electricity theft and also to reduce health risks that come up from the wireless radiation that always used and upgraded over time.

Project Outcome

Even many energy meter has upgraded over time, power theft still occurs especially in China and India. Based on the information that has obtained, the Electricity Theft Detection Metering System will be developed to solve some of the problem. Details of the project will be discussed on the next weekly report.

Summary of the Project Outcome

Working principle of EEM and Smart Meter:- 


Figure 2: Working principle of EEM

Smart Meter

Figure 3: Working principle of Smart Meter

Benefits and disadvantages of EEM and Smart Meter:-

Figure 4: Comparison between EEM and Smart Meter

Additional Information:-
Traditional Meters vs. Smart Meters 

Figure 5: Comparison between Traditional Meters with Smart Meters

Traditional Meters is a oldest energy meter that have mechanical moving part. The concept/technology that used in Traditional Meters is not similar with the Electronic Energy Meters.